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Components of a successful website

Websites have come a long way. They are no longer just static pages filled with information (copy). They are the lifeblood of online and offline businesses, without a website, your organization/business will struggle to gain credibility with the people you reach in person and online... Not to mention the missed opportunities for growth!

There is a catch though! Having the website is one thing — remember, a website can be anything accessible by a browser... It's important to know and understand the components of a successful website. Why is it that some sites "seem" to be more successful than others? Is it the pretty photos or the informative blog? Or, the videos they share on Social Media? Those things are features and they serve a purpose, but they're not core to your site's success.

Here's what I believe... Your site should tell a story. 

Think about it... a good story has an objective, it is written to a specific audience, it has flow, it leads and guides the reader, and has an end (a result). So, if we think along these lines, we can see the parallels between a story and your website.

  1. What is the objective of the story? In other words, what is the problem you're trying to solve for your audience? This should be the "objective" of your story. 
    • EXAMPLE: You help busy parents of young children find safe, fun activities after school and on holidays.
  2. Who is this story written for? In other words, who do you want to serve? In the example above, you are serving busy parents (not just parents, but busy ones). Parents who probably have to work and don't have time to vet multiple locations.
  3. Where will your story take your reader? For your website this translates to: where do you want your user to go? Or, what action do you want them to take? Make a donation? Register for an event? Sign up for your new product? Contact you? Or read your content? Every visitor to your site should be given clear directions to take action, this may be achieved graphically or with words.
  4. Every story has an ending and so should your website. After you've attracted your audience to your website  and directed them to take the action you want them to, you should now close the deal with results! How has your product or service helped your audience solve their problem? Present this in testimonials (social proof), case studies or blog posts. Providing examples of results will build confidence in your offering.

So... what is YOUR story? Is your website telling it clearly?

Take action!

Take a few minutes to look at your website from the users perspective. 

Look for each of these 4 components in your website and note where it falls short. If you're not sure, sign up for the an ID DIRECTION SESSION when it launches on July 1, 2017.