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Upgrading your request to join a LinkedIn member's network

Do you sometimes get put off by requests to “join my network” from total strangers on LinkedIn? Well, the truth is that we are all guilty of doing it at some point or another, so don’t be too harsh on others that do. We could all benefit from an “upgrade” of our messages to potential clients, business partners, mentors… (you get the picture). An “upgrade” will lead to us connecting with LinkedIn members who are good for us and vice-versa.

Here are two tips to ensure that your request to join a LinkedIn member’s network will be accepted.

  1. Have a reason for requesting to become connected with this member. Is the person in your industry? Could this connection result in business? Does the person work at the company you would like to join? Be sure to get some background information by reviewing his or her profile and network. Also, check out the person’s other social media profiles online.
  2. Determine what value YOU will bring to the connection.Yes, your value. It’s not always about selling yourself, product or service. Those things will come naturally. It could very well be that you have links to resources that another member may find useful. If you are both members of a LinkedIn Group, you might be able to provide answers to a question that the person posted in the Group.

The point is, do not just send the old generic, “I would like to join your network” request. Make it interesting for the member and have her say yes without a second thought.

TIP: Keep a record of request “templates” that you can modify based on the nature of the request that you are sending and keep a copy of your “upgraded requests.”